Mersey Boroughs ITT Partnership is, as the name suggests, a broad partnership based across the broader Merseyside region but led by St Mary & St Paul’s CE Primary School, which is in Knowsley.
We work in close partnership with around 25 primary schools from across Knowsley, St Helens, Sefton, Halton, Liverpool, Warrington and Wigan. These schools serve very diverse communities and include both maintained schools and academies, community and faith schools. We work particularly closely with Chester Diocesan Academies Trust, Wade Deacon Trust and QUEST in Wigan, as well as the Rainbow Teaching School Hub.
Working with such a broad range of schools gives us the chance to tailor trainees’ time in school to match their needs and prior experience, so that our trainees are really well prepared for their ECT induction.
We also work in partnership with other partner schools – secondary, nursery and special schools – to further enhance our trainees’ experience through ‘broadening experience’ visits and mini-placements.
Our partnerships also include those with our university provider – John Moores University as well as local authority partners and the Anglican Diocese of Liverpool.