Philip Eastwood
Director of ITT
Email: merseyboroughsitt@knowsley.gov.uk
Tel: 0151 443 2663
Philip is the Director of the SCITT programmes as well as being Assistant Headteacher at St Mary & St Paul’s. He has taught across Key Stages 1 and 2 and is also an experienced Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). Philip was also an Advanced Skills Teacher with a specialism in Initial Teacher Training, and in that role has been closely involved with Liverpool Hope University. Although most of Philip’s time is now spent running our ITT programmes, Philip is still a serving practitioner and has a (small) regular teaching commitment in school.

Paul Brooksbank
Chair & Accounting Officer, Mersey Boroughs ITT Partnership
Email: merseyboroughsitt@knowsley.gov.uk
Tel: 0151 443 2663
Paul is the Headteacher at St Mary & St Paul’s and Chair of the Partnership.
Paul has been with St Mary & St Paul’s for a number of years, previously as Deputy Head, taking the lead on the schools’ maths curriculum and as Designated Safeguarding Lead.
He also leads a number of the taught sessions on our programme, as well as being Chair of the partnership and our Executive Committee.

Gill Makin
SCITT Manager – Operational
Email: merseyboroughsitt@knowsley.gov.uk
Tel: 0151 443 2663
Gill has worked in the Partnership since we set up our first School Direct cohort in 2012, joining us having previously worked in partnerships and school placements at a local university. Gill brings a wealth of experience to the role and makes sure that the SCITT and its programmes run smoothly on a day-to-day basis.

Helena Bradshaw
SCITT Manager – Strategic
Email: helena.bradshaw@stmaryandstpauls.org.uk
Tel: 0151 443 2663
Helena is working closely with the team to support the trainees and schools to ensure smooth running of our programme. She bring experience from other sectors to her administration responsibilities. She is particularly focused on our online offer and Knowsley ECT Development Programme of CPD.