General Primary (5-11) ITT
Our primary course runs for a full school year – from the beginning of September until late July. Trainees on the course spend a great deal of time in school – on average, around 10% more time than on a ‘traditional’ university PGCE route – and benefit from real immersion into school and teaching from the very start of the course. We think that this very practical approach is one of the reasons why our primary course leads to such a high employment rate (97%) – because our trainees turn into skilled teachers very quickly during their training year. The practical elements of the course are backed up by high quality training led by outstanding current practitioners – lead teachers, Specialist Leaders of Education and so on.
“There is a strong sense of ‘family’ due, in no small part, to the small size of the cohort and the high level of pastoral care provided by the SCITT team. Trainees were extremely positive about the quality of training and support they have received:
The ITE curriculum continues to be one of the most comprehensive programmes that I see. Leaders and tutors have worked collegiately to enhance what was already a strong primary ITT programme. Provision is now set well to fully meet the raised DfE expectations for 2024 and beyond.” (External Examiner July 2022.)
We’re also delighted that our trainees have the chance to work with university colleagues from John Moores, working towards the award of a PGCE as well as QTS. We offer a balance of great partnerships, high quality school experiences and top-notch training that we know makes our Primary programme a great way to get into primary school teaching and our trainees highly employable.
The course fees for UK students in 2024 to 2025 are £9,250.