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Assessment Only

If you are an experienced unqualified teacher with a degree, you can achieve qualified teacher status (QTS) without having to do any further training. Assessment Only allows you to remain in your existing school and demonstrate that you already meet all of the Teacher’s Standards for the award of QTS.

This way of achieving QTS is only available to unqualified teachers who have taught in at least two schools. Before you can be accepted onto the route you will need to have satisfied all the usual ITT pre course criteria. Your teaching will be assessed over a period of time in your school by Mersey Boroughs ITT and you will need to present detailed evidence that you meet the Teacher’s Standards to achieve QTS.


Assessment Only

Key details


12 continuous weeks


in supporting/employing school. The school must be classed as at least good based on their last Ofsted inspection




Supporting school or self-funded


primary and secondary


If you’re a member of school staff such as an unqualified teacher and you can already show that you meet the English Teachers’ Standards then our Assessment Only route could be ideal for you.

We currently offer Assessment Only in primary (age ranges 3-7, 5-11 and 7-11) and secondary subjects (age ranges 11-16, 11-19 or 14-19).

Assessment only route to QTS is not a taught ITT programme and is suitable for people who have significant teaching experience without the need for further training. Anyone who needs to learn to teach should search the Department for Education’s get into teaching website for suitable teacher training courses.

Entry requirements

To achieve QTS via our Assessment Only route you must:

  • Hold GCSEs at level 4/grade C or above in English language and maths, plus science if you want to teach in primary 
  • Hold a degree from a UK higher education institution or equivalent qualification. If your degree was completed outside of the UK you will need to provide an ENIC statement to demonstrate the comparability of your qualification. 
  • Be employed in a school in a whole class teaching role with sole responsibility for planning, teaching, assessment of the lessons taught with a minimum 50% weekly timetable
  • Have at least two years teaching experience within no longer than the previous five years in at least two schools and across two consecutive age phases for your chosen teaching specialism supported by documentary evidence of meeting the English Teachers’ Standards in both
  • For the primary phase you need to be teaching the full curriculum including the core subjects of maths, literacy – phonics and science as well as a range of foundation subjects such as geography, history, art and music. You can’t be a subject specialist such as PE or music
  • Demonstrate the required fundamental skills in maths and English as defined by the DfE. Further details will be provided following your application
  • An applicant must have the full agreement of their sponsoring school and its governing body before applying. The sponsoring school must agree to provide a suitable mentor and support during the assessment period

Fees and funding

Our Assessment Only route costs £3,000

Fees may be paid for by you or your supporting school, in full, prior to the start of the assessment period.

Start dates

To facilitate twelve weeks consistent teaching and assessment, we aim to start assessment periods for successful candidates at the beginning of their supporting school’s terms.


Initial enquiries can be made by telephoning our main office on 0151 443 2663 or by emailing

All potential applicants must complete our ‘expression of interest’ checklist. This will support you to know if your current situation is suitable or where there are any gaps that need to be addressed for a formal application can be made.

When all pre application requirements are satisfied a full application form including reference requests and a signed agreement of responsibilities by the sponsoring school will be forwarded to the applicant.


Our interview process is in two parts

Part 1

Takes place at Mersey Boroughs main base. Candidates are required to undertake an online maths test and during the interview will complete a short written reflection based on a current educational commentary. The interview will include delivery of a short verbal presentation to our interview panel focusing on teaching and pupils’ learning. This is followed by a series of formal interview questions.

The candidate is required to bring their portfolio of evidence against the Teachers’ Standards to interview. This will be retained and reviewed by MBITT Director and a pre acceptance plan (PAP) compiled as necessary. The file is returned with the PAP to the candidates at part two of the interview process.

Part 2

Two members of MBITT team will observe the candidate teaching in their sponsoring school and discuss next steps with candidate and their mentor. If all is in place a date for commencement of the AO period will be confirmed.

Assessment period

During the assessment, one of our Quality Assurance Tutors will make at least two observation visits and conduct professional learning conversations with you and your mentor to monitor and support your progress.

At the end of the assessment period an independent assessor will make a final cross moderation observation and judgement on your teaching and progress before reporting back to Mersey Boroughs for final recommendation as to suitability to be awarded QTS.

Successful candidates will be recommended to the DfE for the award of QTS based on the final recommendation from these processes.

Next steps

Initial enquiries can be made by telephoning our main office on 0151 443 2663 or by emailing

All potential applicants must complete our ‘expression of interest’ online checklist.

If everything is in place on this initial compliance check a member of our team will contact potential applicants with further information about the formal application process.

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